People Are Saying These Photos Prove Justin Timberlake Is Cheating On Jessica Biel

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For the last 15 years I have vehemently argued that Justin Timberlake is one of the great men on this Earth. I can’t decide if these photos are worth a complete evisceration yet but they certainly are not great (unless they are legit filming–they are making a movie  about a football player so this could very well be a storyline).

If you watch the video, which US Weekly was too cowardly to post but the Sun did, there really isn’t much to be mad about; even as someone who doesn’t like him and Jessica Biel together. Justin is on another level of blackout and if he’s not than he deserves an Oscar because this performance is a spot on blacked out person. He’s ready to fall asleep right on that weak ass chair on the ledge of a New Orleans balcony. JT is not the first and certainly not the last to be in that situation.

In the video there is no evidence of flirting and it genuinely feels like ‘hey we are kind of concerned about Justin Timberlake’s well-being can you believe we’re here in New Orleans blacked out with Timberlake?’ Like no one goes for a night on the town thinking they’re going to have to drag Justin Timberlake off the balcony.

But these photos are where you’ve got me fucked up.

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The issue I’m having with this being a shoot for a movie is that there are no cameras. Those seem pretty important to a movie set, even though Justin and the girl, actress Alisha Wainwright, are currently filming a movie right now in New Orleans.

Justin is not wearing his wedding ring, and the hand holding definitely cannot be twisted any other way. In the video it does kind of look like he moves her hand off of him but he looks too dead in the eyes to be sure.

Honestly though, I’m going to need to hear a heartfelt explanation from Justin in order to move on. If he is not going to work out with Jessica Biel (which he is not because literally no one in Hollywood does), I don’t want it to be because he cheated. If I know him, and I believe I fucking know my Justin Timberlake, he’s a conscious uncoupling kind of guy. Just couldn’t make it work with the lifestyle and we’re getting an amicable divorce that I will make a profit off with a new album.

The more I think about it it’s very possible Justin studied Jay Z and Beyonce’s marketing campaign to a T. First step is staging a viral video that gets the internet ABUZZ with rumors and blogs like this very one right here. Using that theme to create a mediocre album that only leads to more tour money and probably a makeup baby to make it up to you. It’s a path only true trailblazers can follow without getting canceled. Jay Z and Justin Timberlake may be the only 2 who possibly can.

How is it that Justin has gone decades without one indecent paparazzi photo or fake tabloid front page? Remained the only child start that hasn’t had at least one well documented public meltdown? This whole thing seems a little fishy. If 2019 is trying to take down the only man I still believe in, you’re going to have to try a whole lot harder than this.



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